Turning the Melodies of a Melodica into Engaging Explainers

A Melodica is a wind instrument with a small keyboard and a blowing pipe. Have you ever paid attention to the workings of a melodica? Well, we created a video series to describe the science behind the instrument. Here’s a walkthrough of how we converted the science behind Melodica into three engaging videos.


Two scientists with a burning passion for music, Akio Minamikawa and Devid Bracanzio, aka Dr. Melodica, came together to describe the science behind the musical instrument called Melodica. As the Melodica is quite an intriguing instrument with a very complicated working process, it is easy to understand why they chose to bring out the physics and biology behind the workings of the Melodica. This Japan-Germany collaboration project reached our desk with the request to turn the detailed research project into an easily consumable format.
As videos are the most effective way to describe complex concepts, we decided to develop an engaging, well-researched video from the blog written by Akio Minamikawa and the additional research and experiments performed by David Bracanzio (Dr. Melodica). Devid’s passion for the melodica and its workings (Also evident in his screen name) is another reason behind this project.

Problem statement

Our client came to us with the request to transform their detailed research into videos. This was quite a complicated task, as it had a lot of steps and challenges on the way to completion. The research was quite detailed and filled with a lot of scientific concepts and real-life experiments that needed to be included in the videos to make them more accurate. So how did we do it? Here are the steps we followed to complete our project:


To complete this project, we have followed a step-by-step approach. From detailed research to developing assets, here are the steps we followed to create the video series on the workings of a melodica. So, let’s see the challenges we faced and how we solved them.

RnD on topic

The primary goal of this project was to create an easy-to-understand video from very complex scientific research. So, we have to take up a detailed research process to make ourselves equipped to combat the issue of explaining a complicated concept in easy terms.

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We read up on complicated scientific concepts to make our job a little bit easier. We planned what we needed to show and how to make it engaging. After this came the hard part, deciding and developing our assets.

Asset format

The next step in our process was to finalize the asset format. According to our research, covering everything about the working process of a melodica in one video seemed almost impossible. Hence, we planned to create a video series consisting of three videos describing every complex concept in minute detail.

Finalizing the video format was just the first step; later, we needed to figure out how to explain our concepts engagingly to an unaware audience. We tried and tested several models to find the best way to build our story. Finally, we chose 3D animation as our medium of storytelling. Using 3D animation in our videos allowed us to show the concepts realistically.

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To bring our story to life, we had to return to our drawing board to chalk out the plan. Creating a storyboard and making a 3D structure of a melodica helped us figure out the progression of our video. Developing three videos to discuss the workings of a melodica allowed us to explore more detailed and complicated scientific concepts freely.

We planned our storyboard accordingly to stay true to the science behind Melodica. The storyboard charted out the creation process for us and helped us move on to the pre-visualization stage.


In the pre-visualization stage, we send our storyboard to Dr. Melodica and his associate on this project for input. In this stage, we also cleared out our doubts about the concepts and the process of showing them to avoid any deviation from the client’s expectations. As soon as we got the thumbs up from the client, we moved forward to develop the first draft of our video series.

First Draft Video

As we created our first drafts for three videos, it dawned on us that a major part of the biology involved in the workings of a melodica was missing from our videos. However, we decided to make an additional video describing it to solve this immediate problem. As we closed our first draft, we sent these videos to our clients for their views.

With some detailed input from our clients, we got a clear idea of what we had to do. This clear understanding helped us develop and deliver our final product.

Final Video

In our final video series, we polished our first draft, trimmed it down, and used typographical text on the screen to describe concepts more clearly. We picked different functions of the melodica and described them in detail. Our first video was based on the structure of a melodica; the second video followed the workings of the reeds and air circulation; and the third video discussed in detail the science behind the music coming out of the instrument.

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Some Extra Roadblocks

As mentioned earlier, when we were developing the video series, we found out that it could not be complete without throwing some light on the concept of “circular breathing.” So we created a video on this concept of “circular breathing” to aid in understanding the idea of air circulation inside the melodica, as discussed in our second video.

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Some Words from the Client

It is always great to be appreciated for our hard work, and it fills us with great joy when we satisfy our clients with our creative vision. In this project as well, our clients were satisfied with the result their brief produced. As proof of their satisfaction, we received these words as a review from our beloved client.

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House Sparrow Films is a content-powered creative company. We work to transform your vision into visuals. We believe in creating strong, research-based, and engaging content that will hook your viewers until the end. Trust us with your explainers, e-learning, marketing, or entertaining ideas, and we will make sure you receive the best content from us.

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